Building on the strong relationship between the iMEP program and Duke University, iMEP students will have the opportunity to spend a semester at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, USA, where they will interact with the broader Duke faculty, gain additional English-language experience, and build networks with US-based contacts.
During the semester iMEP students spend on the Duke campus in Durham, students each choose three electives from graduate student course options at the Nicholas School of the Environment (NSOE) and the Sanford School of Public Policy (SSPP). They may also take courses from the Fuqua School of Business, Law School, Pratt School of Engineering and the Graduate School with special permission from the iMEP director of Graduate Studies and the course instructor.
The vast majority of iMEP students take their electives at NSOE and SSPP.
At the same time, the program will bring students pursuing a master’s degree from the Nicholas and Sanford schools to Duke Kunshan, further increasing diversity and networking opportunities in the iMEP program.