The Sanford School has a wide variety of programs and centers housed within the school that carry out initiatives and research projects focused on particular policy issues. 

DeWitt Wallace Center for Media & Democracy 

group of students sitting and smiling

The 9th Street Journal 

The 9th Street Journal is published by students in the DeWitt Wallace Center, to feature news and articles about Durham, with a focus on issues important to urban America. Many of the articles are also published in the local weekly newspaper, The Independent. 

Read the 9th Street Journal. 


Duke Center for Child and Family Policy

Guilford County Collaborative 

nurse taking babys heartbeat

Over the course of 18 months, Family Connects and Nurse-Family Partnership propose to develop, field test, and implement an innovative approach to reaching and serving all pregnant women in three zip codes in Guilford County, NC. 

East Durham Children’s Initiative Evaluation

The Center has conducted an annual evaluation of EDCI since 2011. The Center’s researchers are laying the foundation for a rigorous longitudinal evaluation of long-term impact of EDCI services on child wellbeing, education and community-level outcomes. 


Hart Leadership Program

Using the arts to understand health

Undergraduate Sujal Manohar conducted several interviews with the Duke community about mental health experiences and created artwork based on these conversations for her Visual Arts Honors Thesis.

Duke Mutual Aid

Lily Levin and a group of other students created Duke Mutual Aid, a student-run collective fund drawing inspiration from similar efforts at the University of Chicago and Swarthmore College.


Political Engagement Project fellows Erin Lee, Catherine Martinez, and Julianna Rennie (PEP ’20, PPS’21) didn’t let the COVID-19 pandemic stop their work on ethical representation of Asian immigrants and Asian Americans in the wake of COVID-19.

duke accountability project

Margaret Gaw (SOL ’20, Trinity ’22) worked with Catherine McMillan (Trinity ’22) to create the Duke Accountability Project, a program where students who are struggling to adjust to the new virtual education system are partnered up to keep one another accountable. 


POLIS: the Center for Politics Projects 

Polis Distinguished Fellows Program

The Polis Distinguished Fellows Program brings accomplished political practitioners, public servants, and organizers to campus to engage with our community and to dedicate some portion of their time to a project that promises an innovative solution to a problem of contemporary politics and that involves students in the process.

The Polis Student Committee

The Polis Student Committee (PSC) is a community of undergraduate, graduate, and professional students at Duke University who share an interest in politics, democracy, and public service. The PSC aims to promote greater understanding of—and engagement with—politics at the local, state, national, and global levels.

Patman Political Engagement Project

The Patman Political Engagement Project (PEP) is a collaboration between the Hart Leadership Program and Polis: Center for Politics. The Patman Fellowship is designed to inspire, cultivate, and prepare future leaders in democracy and provide them pathways to meaningful participation, contributing to more diverse and inclusive political representation at all levels in the United States.

World Food Policy Center Projects

people sitting together at a meeting
Meeting of the Durham Food Justice Planning team

City of Durham Food Justice Planning

The Duke University World Food Policy Center is working with a core group of community leaders to create a Food Justice Plan for the City of Durham. 

Durham Food History Project

The Durham Food History project investigates how the policies and practices at the federal, state, local and institutional policy levels have led to the inequities in the current food environment in Durham, NC. 

Fair Food for Durham

Planning for Equitable Development Through Food - This report is a component of the overall analysis of barriers and opportunities for moving towards Equitable Food Oriented Development in Durham. The report concludes with a recommendation for incorporating EFOD infrastructure into Built2Last for Durham.

Gracious Plenty Sunday Dinners

This study seeks to collect the stories, traditions, and personal narratives related to food so that we might understand how and why people eat what they eat and how different people based on race and class navigate and have navigated our food system.  

North Carolina Food Resiliency Plan

The Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS) and the Duke World Food Policy Center (WFPC) are analyzing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the North Carolina (NC) food system. 

Shifting the Narrative: Charity to Food Justice

The project goal of this project is to support a shift in hunger relief work from being charity-oriented to an increased focus on justice and community ownership. 

Barriers to SNAP Program Use and Food Access

This project is a qualitative study of SNAP use and food insecurity in two counties: Edgecombe and Durham County.