Several Sanford alumni were honored at Homecoming weekend at a ceremony in the new Karsh Alumni and Visitors Center.
Jim Fleming PPS’09 received a Forever Duke Group award for his service as the Duke Triangle Alumni co-chair, along with Vijay Shah MBA’85. They revitalized the Triangle chapter, cultivating a strong board of directors, increased productivity and transparency through monthly lunch meetings. During their term, alumni activities skyrocketed.
Four Sanford alums received the Forever Duke Award for volunteer service to Duke, the DAA and other alumni groups: Anne Arwood PPS’05; Arielle Grill PPS’93, P’21; Stevan Pardo PPS’81, JD’84, P’17, P’20; and Kyle White PPS‘07, BS’07. Grill and White serve on the Sanford alumni council.
The Honorees
Jim Fleming PPS’09 (far left, next to President Vincent Price) received a group award as the Duke Triangle Alumni Co-chair. His co-chair, Vijay Shah MBA'85 holds the plaque they received for their service. Fleming also serves on the Sanford alumni council.
Arwood filled leadership roles in the both the Duke Alumni Association and the annual fund in Atlanta. She served as one of the two national co-chairs of the Duke annual fund’s young alumni council. She helped initiate a March Madness Challenge to motivate board members to increase peer outreach effort, showing exceptional energy and creativity.
Grill has been the DC-Montgomery County Triple A C chair, putting together prospective students and alumni since 2017. To solve the problem of most alumni volunteers living in DC, while most students live in Montgomery County, she arranged an “interview blitz day,” bringing them all together in one place.
Pardo has been a longtime Duke volunteer, serving as a Triple A C interviewers, on the South Florida regional board and more. He supports programs that bring Blue Devils together, frequently in a very hands on fashion. Every summer, he hosts a farewell social event in his home for Duke Engage students in Miami and local alumni. He also sponsors a Duke Alumni networking breakfast at the national E Merge Americas conference for alumni and entrepreneurs.
In 2013, White joined the DukeDC board as the Sanford School representative, became one of the Young Alumni Chairs, organizing watch parties and other events. He has served in leadership roles on his Reunion Committees and on the Young Alumni Development Council. He has been a Triple A C member since 2007, and co-chair of the DukeDC Volunteer Committee, helping to launch the DukeNext mentoring program in the DC area.