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Darity to testify in U.S. House

William A. Darity, Jr., Samuel DuBois Cook Professor of Public Policy, African and African American Studies and Economics, will testify before the U.S. House Financial Services Subcommittee on Oversight & Investigations on Wednesday, Feb. 24.  The congressional hearing is titled How Invidious Discrimination Works and Hurts: An Examination of Lending Discrimination and Its Long-term Economic Impacts on Borrowers of Color.

Subcommittee Chairman Al Green (TX-09) will preside over the hearing. This subcommittee hearing will examine invidious discrimination, its modern manifestations, and its lasting intergenerational effects, including as a determinant of racial wealth gaps. Witnesses will address barriers too often faced by people of color in various aspects of the financial services industry.

The hearing will be webcast live here at 3:00 p.m. EST.

Darity is one of five expert witnesses to offer testimony at the hearing. His research focuses on inequality by race, class and ethnicity, schooling and the racial achievement gap, the economics of reparations, and stratification economics. He is the director of the Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity.

He is a principal investigator of the National Asset Scorecard for Communities of Color, which collect data about the asset and debt of racial and ethnic groups in several U.S. metropolitan areas, funded by the Ford Foundation and the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, and has issued four reports, on Boston, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles and Miami.

Several of his ideas for addressing economic inequality and equity have been discussed in the media and by policy-makers, including baby bonds and a federal jobs guarantee. His most recent book, coauthored with A. Kirsten Mullen, is From Here to Equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the 21st Century, published last year. He addressed the 116th Congress on HR40, the Commission to Study and Develop Reparations Proposals for African-Americans Act.

Related Work

Ways & Means podcast series The Arc of Justice

New podcast series on reparations, Ways & Means podcast: The Arc of Justice - From Here to Equality, premieres March 3.

Read a new article on COVID-19 and reparations, co-authored by Darity.

Darity’s new prize-winning book is From Here to Equality: Reparations in the 21st Century. 

Find out more about the Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity

Listen to a previous Ways & Means podcast episode featuring Darity and his work on reparations: