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Olivia Reneau is a winner of the 2022 Terry Sanford Leadership Award from the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University. 

This prestigious award is named for the former Duke President, N.C. governor and U.S. senator Terry Sanford, who urged students to have outrageous ambitions and started the public policy program at Duke 50 years ago. It is presented annually to a graduating senior who demonstrates exceptional leadership. Reneau has held leadership positions with Polis, the Center for Politics at Sanford. With a passion for racial justice and inclusion, Reneau is skilled at identifying unmet needs and bringing students together to meet them. She not only advocates for others, but empowers them.

Excerpt from a nomination letter: "In all of my years at Sanford, I do not believe that I've encountered an undergraduate student more deserving of the Terry Sanford Leadership award (and, I've had the great privilege of working closely with many of our School's finest and most accomplished emerging leaders!). Olivia represents the very best of Sanford's outrageous ambition and our commitment to using knowledge in the service of society."


Another Sanford Award Winner

The school also named Shrey Majmudar a Terry Sanford Leadership Award winner.  The two students exercised very different approaches to leadership and effecting change during their time on campus. Whereas, Reneau is skilled at identifying unmet needs and bringing students together to meet them, Majmudar held positions with Duke Student Government, and served on several university leadership committees. His expertise is creating change within an established organization.

Watch Shrey's story