
The Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University is proud to contribute research expertise and fresh ideas to news reporters and the public in the run-up to the 2024 election. Browse this page to explore policy ideas from our world-class faculty related to the hotly-contested 2024 U.S. presidential race.

Explore faculty who specialize in media and democracy policy

Professor Gunther Peck and alumna Hannah McKnight

This Thing We Call Democracy

As part of Trinity College’s new podcast “Duets,” professor Gunther Peck and alumna Hannah McKnight discuss gardening, democracy and their research on how to help student voters overcome electoral barriers that disenfranchise many.

Faculty Perspective: Expanded Child Tax Credit

Presidential candidates Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Kamala Harris have talked about some form of the child tax credit. Two Duke scholars are available to discuss the expanded child tax credit and its impacts. Both professors recently wrote an op-ed on the tax in The Hill.

Read news tip, with quotes.

Listen to a podcast discussion
woman peering over American flag sunglasses

Is Democracy Important to Us?

"We are at a very powerful moment in terms of our identity. We are at a moment of identity crisis as a society where we have to ask ourselves, is democracy important to us? And are we willing to go to the mat for it, in a way that everyone will have to give something up in order to create something stronger and more resilient? It’s looking beyond one particular election cycle to think through how we’re showing up for democracy."

- Professor Deondra Rose, featured in Duke Magazine

Featured Podcast


Ways & Means Podcast

Missing Votes

In this episode of Sanford's award-winning Ways & Means podcast – as we head into the 2024 elections – why lots of North Carolina college students’ votes did not count in the last election, or the time before that, or the time before that. Why those votes weren’t counted, and how to prevent it from happening again. 

More Podcasts


Policy 360

Throughout the fall, Sanford's highly regarded Policy 360 podcast will include conversations with Duke researchers and special guests with a focus on the 2024 elections.


Ways & Means

What makes a great leader during a deeply divided time? We look at the story of Nelson Mandela and some of the surprising strategies that made his leadership work. Features the work of professor Bruce Jentleson.



Veteran journalist John Harwood, now a Distinguished Fellow at Duke's Polis Center for Politics, interviews politicians and voters, academics and activists about the 21st century divisions imperiling our national experiment in self-government. His first guest: President Biden.


Distinguished Lectures

Sept. 4, Sanford Distinguished Lecture

Liz Cheney


Liz Cheney served as the U.S. representative for Wyoming's at-large congressional district from 2017 to 2023. She chaired the House Republican Conference, the third-highest position in the House Republican leadership, from 2019 to 2021, and served as the Vice Chair of the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol. She is the author of the newly released memoir, Oath and Honor. Read a recap of her visit.

Oct. 29, Rubenstein Distinguished Lecture

David Brooks


David Brooks is a bestselling author, op-ed columnist at the New York Times, and recurring commentator on PBS NewsHour. He has a gift for bringing readers and audiences alike face to face with the spirit of our times with humor, insight, and quiet passion. He is a keen observer of the American way of life and a savvy analyst of present-day politics and foreign affairs whose columns are among the most read in the nation.

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Many Sanford professors are also op-ed columnists - journalists for national publications, or prolific bloggers. Explore some of their work.

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Duke Votes

Duke Votes is a non-partisan, student-led organization that aims to register, educate, and mobilize the Duke community to vote. They offer a variety of programs, including voter registration drives and voter education opportunities. You can visit their site to learn how to register and vote in North Carolina or in your home state.

Explore Duke Votes