The Politics of Water: Equity at Half Empty or Half Full?

Moderator: Erika Weinthal, Professor of Environmental Sciences and Policy, Nicholas School of the Environment Speakers: Andrew Jones, Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Pratt School of Engineering Marc Jeuland, Associate Professor, Sanford School of Public Policy and Duke Global Health Institute Michele Okoh J.D.'09, Senior Lecturing Fellow, Law School
Gaining and securing access to clean water is an equity issue rivaled by few others. How nations, states, and cities share and manage water resources is the subject of political negotiations worldwide. Governments can make or break societies with the policy choices they make. Join faculty experts from across Duke as we discuss politics and practices with clean water and how these differ across the globe.
Alumni/Reunion, Featured, Global, Information Session, Lecture/Talk, Natural Sciences, Panel/Seminar/Colloquium, Research, Social Sciences, Sustainability