Hart Fellowship Program Info Session
Ready to engage more deeply with an issue you care about?
The Hart Fellowship Program offers recent Duke graduates ten-month fellowships with organizations that are facing complex social, political and humanitarian problems. This program is intended to help fellows develop their own vision for ethical leadership as they move into professional life. Since its inception in 1995, 107 Hart Fellows have served in 40 countries across six continents.
Join us for our Hart Fellowship information session on November 4th at 5:30 PM in Rhodes Conference Room (Sanford 223). Please register to learn more about the program and the application process: bit.ly/Hartfellows . If you have any questions, email Ana Ramirez (ana.ramirez@duke.edu).
Civic Engagement/Social Action, Ethics, Health/Wellness, Human Rights, Humanities, Information Session, Law, Leadership, Medicine, Natural Sciences, Research, Social Sciences, Sustainability