Careers in Child and Family Policy: Child and Family Advocacy
Elizabeth Anderson, Suzy Khachaturyan
We will be joined by Elizabeth Anderson, program director, Chatham County Partnership for Children; Suzy Khachaturyan, policy analyst, NC Budget & Tax Center; and and Denise Rebeil, current Duke MPP student and former legal assistant at the Florence Immigrant & Refugee Rights Project. They will talk about their current work advocating for children and families, as well the jobs and experiences that brought them to their current jobs. Between them, they have held a variety of positions, including as Peace Corp volunteer teacher, Communities in Schools site coordinator, university research assistant, Triangle Community Foundation fellow and more.
This speaker series is for Duke students who want to learn more about careers in child and family policy. Meetings are designed to help students explore the wide range of job opportunities and careers available in the field of child and family policy while creating a network of students who share their professional interests.
At weekly meetings, we will discuss how to forge a career in policy by speaking with people doing policy work in education, health, juvenile justice, child welfare, economic security, and other areas. Learn from people who went straight into policy jobs, pursued law school, joined Teach for America, or have made a careers in academia. Speakers will talk about how they got started, about the turns they took along the way, and what they have enjoyed most. They will also share tips for launching your career and what they look for when hiring.
Alumni/Reunion, Information Session, Panel/Seminar/Colloquium