Sanford Career Services Team supports Sanford undergraduate students with securing internships that fit their policy area interest and unique skills, backgrounds, and preferences, and supports policy employers with their talent needs.

Sanford Career Services Team offers assistance with:

  • Career exploration 
  • Resume & cover letter writing
  • LinkedIn profile review
  • Interview preparation
  • Internship search strategies 
  • Networking

Most information shared in career advising appointments remains confidential. In specific circumstances, the Career Center may be required to break confidentiality to protect you or identified others from harm. Duke Career Center staff protects the privacy and security of student records as governed by FERPA (Family Education Rights and Privacy Act). FERPA protects education records but permits communication with parents and university personnel in connection of a health or safety emergency.

The exceptions to maintaining confidentiality include:

  • Compliance with Duke University’s Student Sexual Misconduct Policy (Title IX )which states that with the exception of these confidential resources (Student Health, Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS), Gender Violence Prevention and Intervention (GVPI), Clergy who are acting as such in their professional role at Duke and Ombudsperson, all employees (Faculty and Staff) who become aware of conduct that might fall under this policy are expected to notify the Office of Student Conduct with the names of the parties involved and the details of the report.

  • Career Center determines there is a clear, imminent threat to your health and/or safety or the health and safety of others.

  • Career Center staff may be in contact with and/or may disclose information obtained through appointments with other University personnel who have a legitimate educational interest.