Welcome, Sanford alumni! Sanford Career Services team invites alumni to stay connected with Sanford in the following ways after graduation:
Sanford Alumni Volunteer Engagement with Current Sanford Students
Sanford alumni volunteer engagement with current Sanford students is one of the most valuable ways to stay connected. Please consider taking 3-5 minutes to provide your most recent career updates, as well as your interest in engaging with Sanford students.
Alumni Career Advising
Sanford Career Services team can provide guidance and support up to 12 months after graduation!
Alumni Professional Networks
Stay connected with fellow Sanford and Duke alumni to expand professional connections, promote personal and business growth, gain competitive edge, access job opportunities and more.
International/Global Networks
- LinkedIn Duke Center for International Development
- LinkedIn DukeNIA - Duke Network for International Affairs (co-hosted by DCID)
- LinkedIn Duke Sanford Africa Policy Group (DSAPG)
- LinkedIn Sanford LAC (Latin American and Caribbean) Group
- Facebook Duke Center for International Development (DCID) Alumni
More Ways to Get Involved
- Hire summer interns or recent graduates.
- Share policy-relevant job postings.
- Attend recruiting events or career fairs.
- Practice interviewing skills with students.
- Speak on career panels and in workshops with groups of students.
- Serve as a job market resource to the team.
Questions? Contact Us!
Nadia Chamberlin, PhD
Assistant Dean of Career Services & Professional Development
Dr. Nadia Chamberlin is the Assistant Dean of Career Services and Professional Development of Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University. She leads a comprehensive and integrated career and professional development center serving Sanford graduate and undergraduate students. Dr. Chamberlin is responsible for strategy, program development, implementation, and coordination of all career services and professional development activities for undergraduate Public Policy majors, Master of Public Policy (MPP) and Master of International Development (MIDP) students. She serves as a resource and connector regarding global public policy job markets for students, staff, alumni, employers, Sanford leadership, the Duke Community, and external audiences. Dr. Chamberlin manages human, financial, and facilities resources for the Sanford Career Services team. She contributes as an active member of the Sanford senior managers’ leadership team. Dr. Chamberlin's work includes individual student advising and group programming, employer outreach, connecting with alumni, and reporting to the Board.
Dr. Chamberlin has served in the higher education arena since 2001 in numerous academic and administrative roles, including Associate Director of Employer Engagement and Recruiting with Career and Leadership for MBA and Alumni at Kenan-Flagler Business School of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Associate Director of University Career Services at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Assistant Vice President for International Education, Interim Dean of Student Development, and Adjunct Faculty Member at Upper Iowa University; Assistant Director for International Students and Scholars and Assistant Director of International Programs at University of Northern Iowa; and Academic/Career Advisor, Financial Aid Advisor and Adjunct Instructor at Hawkeye Community College. Dr. Chamberlin earned her Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from Iowa State University, her MA in Public Policy from the University of Northern Iowa. Dr. Chamberlin is a recipient of several awards and grants, including 2024 North Carolina Association of Colleges and Employers Outstanding Professional Award, 2021 North Carolina Career Development Association Outstanding Professional award, 2020 Student Affairs Assessment award, 2013 Fulbright International Education Administrators seminar grant, 2013 Germany Today special information program grant from DAAD, 2011 Cedar Valley Business Monthly 20 under 40 award, and 2009 City of Waterloo Human Rights Special Recognition award. Dr. Chamberlin is a co-author of a peer-reviewed article; a presenter and a co-presenter at state and local conferences; a facilitator and trainer of workshops and webinars.