If your academic interests encompass PUBPOL and another academic discipline in Trinity College, you may wish to consider declaring an interdepartmental major.

To complete an IDM with public policy, you must complete four of the five core courses, complete an internship, and do two public policy electives.


4 of the 5 PUBPOL core courses

PUBPOL 155D Introduction to Policy Analysis.  This course is a prerequisite for all of the core courses except STATS 199L and is the gateway course for the major. Effective Fall 2023, PUBPOL 155D will be a satisfactory/unsatisfactory (S/U) course.

PUBPOL 301 Political Analysis for Public Policy

PUBPOL 302 Policy Choice as Value Conflict OR PUBPOL 330/GLHLTH 210 Global Health Ethics

PUBPOL 303 Microeconomic Policy Tools OR ECON 201D Intermediate Microeconomics I

STA 199L Intro to Data Analysis and Statistical Thinking.  STA 198L, STA 101L, STA 102L, STA 104L, STA 111L, STA 130L,  or ECON 104 may substitute for STA 199L 


2 PUBPOL electives


Duke's guidelines

Please consult Duke’s policy and procedure for the Interdepartmental major.


4 Steps to Registering

  1. Set up a meeting to discuss the PUBPOL IDM requirements with Professor Eric Mlyn, Lecturer in the Sanford School of Public Policy.
  2. Find a faculty advisor in both academic departments to supervise your IDM major.  Meet with both advisors to review your course selection.
  3. Email the proposal to Suzanne Pierce, suzanne.pierce@duke.edu, for final review of public policy courses. 
  4. Have faculty advisors and Directors of Undergraduate Studies sign for both academic departments.
  5. Once the form has been approved by both academic programs, submit the signed form and worksheet to Dean Liguo Zhang for final approval.