MPA students may select either a 15-month (full-time) or an 18-month (part-time) degree track. All students in each incoming cohort (both full- and part-time) will take their core courses together as a learning community while selecting concentration and elective courses that meet their individual learning goals.
Full-time Student Schedule
- Summer term I: 2 courses
- Fall term I: 3 courses
- Spring term I: 3 courses
- Summer term II: 2 courses
Part-time Student Schedule
- Summer term I: 2 courses
- Fall term I: 2 courses
- Spring term I: 2 courses
- Summer term II: 2 courses
- Fall term II: 2 courses
Sample 15-month Course Sequence
- Policy Analysis for Public Affairs Leaders (core)
- Data Analysis for Decision-makers (core)
- Leadership, Management, and Change (core)
- Public Budgeting and Financial Management (concentration)
- Decision and Negotiation Strategy (concentration)
- Ethics, Values, and Public Affairs (concentration)
- Information Management and Governance (elective)
- Communications and Advocacy Strategy (elective)
- Capstone Project (core)
- Economic Analysis for Decision-makers (elective)
- Policy Analysis for Public Affairs Leaders (core)
- Data Analysis for Decision-makers (core)
Leadership, Management, and Change (core)
Public Budgeting and Financial Management (concentration)
- Ethics, Values, and Public Affairs (concentration)
- Community Engagement and Participatory Design (concentration)
- Capstone Project (core)
- Global Challenges in Public Affairs (elective)
- Decision and Negotiation Strategy (elective)
- Human Resources Management (elective)