Welcome to the Sanford School of Pubic Policy's resource library for issues related to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. We hope these items are useful to you.
Educational Resources
Why Everyday Feminism is for Everyone
The article explains why feminism is applicable to everyone, saying that "Feminism strives to end the discrimination, exploitation, and oppression of people due to their gender, sexual orientation, race, class, and other differences and supports people in being free to determine their own lives for themselves. It supports us in questioning what we’ve been taught about forcing people into traditional roles and valuing some groups less than others." OpEd by Sandra Kim
How We Get Free: Black Feminism and the Combahee River Collective
The Combahee River Collective Statement stands tall among the many statements, manifestos, and other public declarations of the period for its clarity, rigor, and political reach. Written in 1977, it is believed to include the first use of the term "identity politics," and articulates why Black liberation could not actually be achieved within the confines of capitalist society. Book (excerpt) by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
We Still Haven't Learned from Anita Hill's Testimony
Critical race theorist Kimberle Crenshaw looks back on Anita Hill's statements during the 1991 Clarence Thomas hearing and draws parallels to the Christine Blasey Ford's testimony during the Brett Kavanaugh hearing. OpEd by Kimberle Crenshaw
Freedom Without Permission: Bodies and Space in the Arab Revolutions
In a series of case studies ranging from Tunisia's 14 January Revolution to the Taksim Gezi Park protests in Istanbul, the contributors to Freedom without Permission reveal the centrality of the intersections between body, gender, sexuality, and space to these groundbreaking events. Research Article by Frances Susan Hasso
Whose personal is more political? Experience in contemporary feminist politics
Through case study analysis this article shows how privileged feminists, speaking for others and sometimes for themselves, use experience to generate emotion and justify particular agendas, silencing critics who are often from more marginalized social positions. Research Article by Alison Phipps
Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence Against Women of Color
In this article, Kimberle Crenshaw explores the race and gender dimensions of women of color. She focuses on two dimensions of male violence against women-battering and rape- to consider how the experiences of women of color are frequently the product of intersecting patterns of racism and sexism. Research Article by Kimberle Crenshaw
Affirmative Reaction: New Formations of White Masculinity
Affirmative Reaction explores the cultural politics of heteronormative white masculine privilege in the United States. Hamilton Carroll describes how, in response to the perceived erosions of privilege produced by post–civil rights era identity politics, white masculinity has come to rely on the very discourses of difference that unsettled its claims on the universal; it has redefined itself as a marginalized identity. Book by Hamilton Carroll
The Problem with Work: Feminism, Marxism, Antiwork Politics and Postwork Imaginaries
In The Problem with Work, Kathi Weeks boldly challenges the presupposition that work, or waged labor, is inherently a social and political good. Taking up Marxist and feminist critiques, Weeks proposes a postwork society that would allow people to be productive and creative rather than relentlessly bound to the employment relation. Work, she contends, is a legitimate, even crucial, subject for political theory. Book by Kathi Weeks
Citizens By Degree: Higher Education Policy and the Changing Gender Dynamics of American Citizenship
Deondra Rose in Citizens By Degree argues that higher education policies represent a crucial-though largely overlooked-factor shaping the progress that women have made. By significantly expanding women's access to college, they helped to pave the way for women to surpass men as the recipients of bachelor's degrees, while also empowering them to become more economically independent, socially integrated, politically engaged members of the American citizenry. Book by Deondra Rose
What has Feminism Accomplished
Conger discusses cultural, institutional, and legal feminist achievements from the last few years that people may not consider when they think of feminism. YouTube video by Cristen Conger
Women's Hour Daily is a podcast from BBC that offers a female perspective on the world.
Hosts John Biewen and Celeste Headlee ask: what’s up with this male-dominated world? Is male supremacy inevitable? How did we get sexism/patriarchy/misogyny, and what can we do about it?
The Gender Rebels, hosted by Faith DaBrooke, is a weekly question-and-answer podcast that explores life outside the binary; crossdressing, transgender topics, queer life and anything else that helps break down the gender binary.
Join hosts Caitlin Benedict & Amrou Al-Kadhi as they ask the big questions about gender & identity.
Jenny Kaplan brings you political candidates, experts, and other thought leaders to explain why there are so few women in office and what it would mean if there were more.
Hosted by Bridget Todd and Anney Reese, this podcast continues the conversation of what it is to identify as female through research-based discussion around feminism and how it impacts everyday life.
Angela Rye discusses the most honest answers to the pressing political, racial, and pop culture questions of the day.
Every week, hosts Aminatou Sow and Ann Firedman call each other to discuss the intricacies of pop culture and the latest in politics with women leaders and non-famous women alike.
Politico's Women Rule Podcast, hosted by Anna Palmer, takes an intimate look at the personal stories and experiences of professional women and their paths to success.
The Electorette, hosted by Jenn Taylor-Skinner, is a podcast and media platform dedicated to elevating the voices and expertise of women, featuring interviews with leaders in civil rights, social justice & climate change.
Free Angela and All Political Prisoners
This is the story of professor Angela Davis, whose social activism implicated her in a botched kidnapping and put her on the FBI’s Most Wanted List in 1970. Documentary dir. Shola Lynch
Knock Down the House follows a waitress, a coal-miner's daughter, a grieving mother, and a nurse as they took a run at power--and rocked the political world. Documentary dir. Rachel Lears
Makers: Women Who Make America
Six documentaries in the MAKERS project feature groundbreaking American women in different spheres of influence: war, comedy, space, business, Hollywood and politics. Documentary Series; PBS
"I am a Girl" follows the lives of 6 adolescent girls from around the world as the come of age in the way their culture dictates. Documentary dir. Rebecca Barry
In this short film, Indian women fight the stigma surrounding menstruation and begin manufacturing sanitary pads. Documentary dir. Rayka Zehtabchi