In 2021-2022, Sanford's research and expertise led to new books, media coverage and significant policy engagement.
Research & Expertise | Professional Programs | Undergraduate Experience | Engagement
Sanford has 38 tenure-track; 23 research professors and professors of the practice; five lecturers; 15 professors emeriti and many Duke faculty with secondary appointments in the school.
The faculty members of Sanford are among the most research productive of any public policy school. With 17 faculty who hold distinguished or named chairs, as well as eight members of the National Academies and of the American Academies, plus a wide array of centers and programs, Sanford has outstanding research and engagement expertise.
Sanford faculty earned honors, awards and recognition this year.
Faculty Honors
Dean Judith Kelley was elected as a National Academy of Public Administration Fellow.
Frank Bruni, professor of the practice of journalism and public policy, was named a Gay Icon and received the Frank Kameny Award from the Equality Forum for his work for gay rights. He also received the Thomas Wolfe Prize from the department of English and Comparative Literature at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill. It recognizes contemporary writers with distinguished bodies of work.
Ken Dodge, William McDougall distinguished professor of public policy studies, received the BBRF Ruane Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Research from the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation. He is the founding and past director of the Center for Child and Family Policy and the founder of Family Connects International.
William A. Darity, Jr., Samuel DuBois Cook professor of public policy, African and African American studies and economics, has been elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (AAPSS). Darity also wrote a new report in a series that examines the economic well-being of people of color in six U.S. cities.
Manoj Mohanan, associate professor of public policy, economics and global health, has been named one of the 100 Most Influential Academics in Government by Apolitical.
Lisa A. Gennetian, Pritzker Professor of Early Learning Policy Studies at Sanford and affiliate of the Center for Child and Family Policy, has been appointed as a research associate in the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Program on Children.
Deondra Rose, associate professor of public policy, political science and history in the Sanford School of Public Policy and director of Polis: the Center for Politics, has been named by Duke University as a Bass Chair in recognition of excellence in undergraduate teaching and research.
Abdullah Antepli, associate professor of the practice of public policy and interfaith relations, received the inaugural Peoplehood Award from Building Together, a nonprofit dedicated to fostering agricultural cooperation between Palestinians and Israelis.
Sanford Associate Professor Jay Pearson has been named as the H.M. Foundation Associate Professor of Public Policy. It is one of 13 Bass Connections professorships, which recognize faculty whose scholarship and teaching align with the interdisciplinary and collaborative nature of the program.
Steve Sexton received a 2022 Dean’s Award for Excellence in Mentoring, given by the Duke Graduate School for excellence in mentoring students and junior scholars.
The Susan E. Tifft Teaching and Mentoring Award was presented to Suzanne Katzenstein for excellence in undergraduate teaching.
Sarah Komisarow received the Richard Stubbing Award for teaching and mentoring of graduate students.
For the ninth year in a row, Sanford School of Public Policy Professors Helen Ladd and Charles Clotfelter were ranked in the top 100 of the most influential scholars in education.
Policy engagement highlight
Lisa Gennetian contributed to a bipartisan report on the challenges and opportunities facing children in America. The report stresses the need to rebalance national investments toward children. This work was featured on Sanford's Policy 360 podcast.
Sanford amplified faculty research and scholarship through podcasts, news, social media, media coverage and monthly newsletters.
Research Podcasts
Ways & Means Podcast
Series 'Arc of Justice' Airs Nationally on Public Radio
The six-part podcast series was inspired by the book "From Here to Equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the 21st Century," co-authored by Sanford professor William "Sandy" Darity, Jr. The series aired on North Carolina Public Radio/WUNC in September 2021. The team pitched the series to American Public Media, which distributed a custom version of the series to NPR member stations airing in major markets including Washington, DC.
The series won three major awards: an award from the National Association of Black Journalists; a Gracie for projects produced and hosted by women; and a 2022 CASE Bronze Circle of Excellence Award for podcasts produced by higher education institutions.
Ways & Means podcast series
Defending Democracy (and Us!) from Big Tech
Sanford released a three-part series on Ways & Means, featuring the research of David Hoffman and other Duke experts in cyber policy. Defending Democracy (and Us!) from Big Tech was a collaboration between Ways & Means and the Cyber Policy Program’s Debugger podcast, hosted by veteran journalist Bob Sullivan.
Policy 360 Podcast
Timely Topics, Biweekly
Sanford produced 13 episodes of the Policy 360 podcast. The podcast is hosted by Dean Judith Kelley. Because it is produced regularly, the podcast is able to respond to issues in the news.
New Books

Faculty in the Media
Gavin Yamey in Time: "How COVID-19 Is Revolutionizing Health Care Around the World"
David Schanzer in The Hill: "Trump’s deal with the Taliban set the stage for the Afghan collapse"
Bruce Jentleson in Foreign Policy: "Be Wary of China Threat Inflation"
Judith Kelley had a commentary in The Washington Post about the World Bank rating scandal.
Deondra Rose was quoted in the New York Times and additional media about the legacy of Title IX.
Frank Bruni was interviewed about his book on NPR’s Fresh Air and in The Washington Post , on NPR’s All Things Considered, by Katie Couric Media, by Sanford alum Steven Petrow in the Washington Post and on CBS This Morning.
Lisa Gennetian was mentioned on NPR’s TED Radio Hour story about child poverty and brain development. She was quoted in Science Blog and 25 other outlets about the impact of cash support to poor mothers on babies’ brains. She was quoted on the same issue in separate stories in The New York Times.
Anna Gassman-Pines was quoted in The New York Times and 5 other outlets morning newsletter about the impact of classroom disruption on young children. She was quoted on the same issue in a separate New York Times article that ran in 3 other outlets.
Simon Miles was quoted in USA Today about Putin and nuclear weapons. He was quoted in the Washington Times about Putin.
Stephen Buckley had a commentary in The Atlantic about the termite coup and Jan. 6.
Carolyn Barnes was quoted in The Washington Post about the delivery of Social Security benefits as opposed to SNAP.
William Darity had an op-ed in The New York Times about the need for reparations. He had a commentary in The New York Times about reparations and the racial wealth gap.
Duke Media Briefings
Sanford faculty participated in 9 online Duke media briefings, 5 on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and 4 additional media briefs on COVID, redistricting and the withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Research E-news
11 issues of the Sanford Research & Views newsletters were distributed between August 2021 and July 2022 to the research and policy community.
Email ppscomm@duke.edu to be added to the list of this monthly publication.